Healthy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thanksgiving was quiet and peaceful.

On the menu:
Cranberry Sauce
Sauteed Green Beans
Au Gratin Potatoes
Sweet Potato Casserole
Rolls with homemade honey butter
Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

I won't share every recipe, but I will share a few. I already posted the recipe for Double Layer Pumpkin Pie.  I used a Weight Watchers recipe for Au Gratin Potatoes except that I added dry mustard and cayenne pepper.

Cranberry Sauce
1 cup water
1/2 cup Splenda
1 bag cranberries
1 orange (chopped)
1 apple (chopped)

It's pretty easy. Dissolve the Splenda over medium heat. Add the cranberries, orange and apple.  It's done when the cranberries have popped and sauce has thickened. My mom used wine instead of water. And if you want to be really creative, use 1/2 cup water, 1/2 juice (orange or your fav...just be careful so the flavors don't clash). If you do use juice, cut the sugar in half.

For my turkey, I made a herb butter. I eyeballed it for my turkey. It was just me and my boyfriend so I didn't need a big turkey.

Mix low fat margarine. I like Country Crock Lite. Finely chop garlic, fresh rosemary, and poultry herb mix. I added Vegeta, but you can use salt. I rubbed it underneath the skin and then all over the top of the turkey so it browns. It was pretty yummy. I normally chop up an apple, celery, and onion and stick it in the cavity of the turkey. I didn't this year, but you can. Turkey was incredibly juicy and tender.

That's all for now :). It might be a while before my next post. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving meal.

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