Pizza My Way

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We had a house guest last night. It was a friend of John's from back in the day when he was a kid. Danny and his fiance came down for another friend's annual fall party yesterday. And after the party, they came over to our house to watch football today. I asked Danny earlier this week what he wanted to eat and he said pizza. He probably didn't expect me to make pizza from scratch, but I did. It's actually another one of my favorites. And when I make it for others, they seem to like it as well. It's not your ordinary pizza. So here it is...Pizza the AC Way.

Dough: I make the dough in a bread machine. It's pretty easy. 
1 cup water
1 tbsp oil
1tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 1/2 cups flour
1 package of dry yeast

Use the dough setting. It takes about an hour and half. 

What makes my pizza different are the toppings.
1 package pork breakfast sausage (my *secret* ingredient)
5 grated radishes
2 grated carrots
1 small onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup finely chopped mushrooms

Cook over medium heat until sausage is done.  By the way, the grated veggies is a great way to sneak in extra nutritional value. You can hardly taste it, but then again, it makes the sausage mixture unique and very tasty. 

I make my own pizza sauce too. It's not that hard. 
8 oz of tomato sauce
6 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1 tsp pizza seasoning
1 can diced tomatoes

Cook on medium heat until warm for about 10 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375. You can use a stone or a pie pan for a deep dish pizza. Roll out dough and use a fork to stab air wholes. Spread a layer of shredded cheese (pre-shredded or freshly grated). Add sausage mixture and other toppings. Today, I used pepperoni, red peppers, black olives.  Finally, spread pizza sauce over toppings. That's my trick. Cook for 30 minutes or until crust is golden.

Pofta Buna! 

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